Modern Deviation from Traditional Marriage

In the dawn of major social change regarding lifestyle ideals, gender roles, and normalizing secular beliefs, marriage is slowly gaining a different reputation than it had centuries, or even mere decades ago. Many people today have begun to overlook the religious origins of marriage and its historical context. In the Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Judaism, Islam), […]

Being a Good Religious Wife

There are 32 countries that allow marital rape. Of the 150+ countries that do, some explicitly criminalize it, some it is simply considered the same as non-marital sexual assault etc. Some of those countries may in theory not exclude marital rape from being a crime, but those laws have never been tested, in effect meaning […]


When thinking about what to create for the final project, I decided to delve into the tradition I was raised most closely to. I grew up in a non-religious household, however, I am from Mexico, a Christian-majority country. Christianity was all around me growing up, and Christian values definitely had an effect on the relationship […]

Christianity’s Effect on Queer Youth Identity

For many, the Christian Evangelical church is a place of love, hope, and healing but for others, it is a place of hurt, judgment, and feelings of inferiority. Growing up in any religious household can be a trying, and often traumatizing experience. For anyone, the pressure to conform to and follow religious rules and codes […]

circumcision/superincision prevalence map

Inspecting Christian/ Catholic Guilt And It’s Origins In The Young Adult, American Woman

INTRODUCTION: An overwhelming amount of young adult American women suffer from Christian and Catholic guilt as they are coming out of adolescence and exploring their sexualities outside the confines of what they have been taught within their religious traditions and/ or communities. Much of this guilt stems from the inherent sex-negative Christian and Catholic culture […]

God and Sex: Where Christianity Meets Hook-Up Culture

My final project consists of four poems, based on my own personal experiences. These poems were written under the framework of the Christianity, primarily discussing the God of the Baptist denomination that I was raised under. There is also a reference to the Catholic experience, as shared by my friends and our shared experiences regarding […]