Christianity’s Effect on Queer Youth Identity

For many, the Christian Evangelical church is a place of love, hope, and healing but for others, it is a place of hurt, judgment, and feelings of inferiority. Growing up in any religious household can be a trying, and often traumatizing experience. For anyone, the pressure to conform to and follow religious rules and codes […]

How to show your love for God

About the books: “How to show your love for God” is a miniature children’s book trilogy about why it is important to love and learn about yourself and the rest of God’s creation. The graphic novels depict and discuss very basic anatomical and developmental differences in people, caring tips, and biblical stories which exemplify loving […]

The Intersection of Purity Culture and the #MeToo Movement: PowerPoint & Poetry

(Content Warning: The topics covered in this project concern sensitive topics such as sexual assault and abuse.) PowerPoint: Personal Poetry: Recognizing My Victimization You told me that I was the perpetrator That my actions caused the assault When all I did was just be myself But somehow it’s all my fault – I lie alone  […]

BDSM Marriage: A Liturgy for a D/s Collaring Ceremony

This collaring liturgy is based on a basic Christian marriage liturgy, and is structured based on the marriage version by the Reformed Church in America, a Presbyterian denomination.1 However, the ceremony can be altered to whatever denominational preferences of the participants. Annotations discussing background information related to the BDSM community, commentary, and context will be bolded.  […]

Hindu Eroticism through Images

This video presentation discusses Hindu eroticism through images. I examine the Hindu deities, the Kamasutra, Tantra, and modern art. In creating this project, I discovered a plethora of graphic and entirely fascinating images within Hindu art. I am happy to share them with the class. Source Bibliography Apte, Savita. “Neo Tantric Art as Liberation.” Sotheby’s. […]

Opinion: Religions Have a Lot of Respect to Gain for Women

The inspiration for the project was a passion of mine for years. The fact that every religion seems to demonize women, and yearn to control their bodies in any way possible is infuriating to me. In addition, most religions have some sort of predisposition against homosexuals, representing another subgroup that is discriminated against in the […]