This is a compilation of interviews that assessed individuals’ approaches to conversations on sexuality in religious African households. The interviewees have African roots ranging from Ghana, The Gambia, Nigeria, and Ethiopia. It was a great study to see that different views were almost displayed across every individual but there were some overlaps. With help from […]
Purity Balls Hey folks! Here’s the link for my powerpoint (hopefully it works :))
Women, Religion, and the Mystery of the Vulva
Why is female genitalia such a taboo for religious women when it’s their own body? Inspired by Guardian’s “The Great Wall of Vulvas” project and curious about how it relates to religion, I decided to ask 90 young women at the University of Rochester campus to draw how a vulva looks like1. These women range […]
Opinion: Religions Have a Lot of Respect to Gain for Women
The inspiration for the project was a passion of mine for years. The fact that every religion seems to demonize women, and yearn to control their bodies in any way possible is infuriating to me. In addition, most religions have some sort of predisposition against homosexuals, representing another subgroup that is discriminated against in the […]