For my project I focused my research on the progressiveness of Roman Catholicism towards the LGBTQ+ community during the modern day within the U.S My guiding question was: “What is the impact that LGBTQ brought to Roman Catholicism in the modern day and age?”. Roman Catholicism has been widely known to be very conservative, disproving […]
Purity Culture v.s. Hook-Up Culture and its Effects on Women in the United States
Attached below is my presentation on the complexities of purity culture, specifically in the Evangelical church, and how this culture influences hook-up culture in the United States (specifically in relation to women). Both of these cultures are incredibly harmful to women. While they perpetuate very different standards for women in the U.S. they are both […]
How to show your love for God
About the books: “How to show your love for God” is a miniature children’s book trilogy about why it is important to love and learn about yourself and the rest of God’s creation. The graphic novels depict and discuss very basic anatomical and developmental differences in people, caring tips, and biblical stories which exemplify loving […]
Conversations on Sexuality in African Religious Households
This is a compilation of interviews that assessed individuals’ approaches to conversations on sexuality in religious African households. The interviewees have African roots ranging from Ghana, The Gambia, Nigeria, and Ethiopia. It was a great study to see that different views were almost displayed across every individual but there were some overlaps. With help from […]
Metaphorical Purity
For my final project, I decided to create three art pieces analyzing different harmful aspects of purity culture. This installation includes a quote from Elizabeth Smart in her address at John Hopkins on anti-human trafficking. Elizabeth was abducted while in middle school and held captive for 9 months. At one point in her speech, Smart […]
A Split Queery- The Battle over Acceptance in the United States Anglican Community
A Split Queery The Battle over Acceptance in the United States Anglican Community “Accepting” has been widely used throughout society to define the sects and branches of Christian churches across the nation that choose to be queer-affirming. The battle over acceptance and affirmation has led many churches, including my own, to split and fracture due […]
Purity Balls Hey folks! Here’s the link for my powerpoint (hopefully it works :))
Dangers of Purity Culture: The Sexualization of Asian & Asian American Women
I remember from a young age, being quite concerned about how men perceived me. It was freshman year of high school and I was talking to a boy I liked at the time. We were innocently discussing our interests. I mentioned that I liked photography. He mentioned that he loved anime. I mentioned […]