Faith and Fling: Muslims in U of R’s Hookup Culture

I’m examining the complexity of hookup culture for Muslims at the University of Rochester, focusing on how cultural and religious values shape individuals’ approaches to casual relationships and sexual expectations. Hookup culture, often assumed to be a default part of college life, is challenging for some students who feel pressured by this assumption, even if […]

Metaphorical Purity

For my final project, I decided to create three art pieces analyzing different harmful aspects of purity culture. This installation includes a quote from Elizabeth Smart in her address at John Hopkins on anti-human trafficking. Elizabeth was abducted while in middle school and held captive for 9 months. At one point in her speech, Smart […]

Sexuality and the AAPI Community: What Is It?

“Asian men are not attractive” “Arranged marriage is the only option” “Asian women are docile and vulnerable” Many stereotypes fall under the category of what it means to be Asian American in today’s society. Race plays a large role dealing with the stigmas around sexuality and gender, especially amongst the younger generation. For years the […]

Purity Balls Hey folks! Here’s the link for my powerpoint (hopefully it works :))